Find localized name of a the LocalSystem account (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM)
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Boaz Ben-Porat
2008-05-06 08:19:26 UTC
We need to find the localized name of the LocalSystem account. Onenglish
windows it is 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM', but on other OSs it is something else.
(e.g. In German it is 'NT AUTHORITÄT\SYSTEM )

The SID of the LocalSystem account is S-1-5-18', so we tried using
Win32_Group class/table with SID='S-1-5-18' (On an english Windows). The
Name property is 'SYSTEM', but 'NT AUTHORITY' is not found in any member of
the Win32_Group.

How do we get the full name of an account?


Boaz Ben-Porat
Milestone systems
2008-05-17 18:12:39 UTC
What version of Windows is this, and what specifically is your real end

According to documentation in the WinNT.h header file, NT Authority is the
base SID S-1-5, and S-1-5-18 is always the LocalSystem account; the NT
Authority is simply a prefix. If you need the appropriate name for use in
credentials, you can actually use any of the following:


If these won't work, it would help to know what you need to do more
specifically - and of course what Windows versions this is for.
Post by Boaz Ben-Porat
We need to find the localized name of the LocalSystem account. Onenglish
windows it is 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM', but on other OSs it is something else.
(e.g. In German it is 'NT AUTHORITÄT\SYSTEM )
The SID of the LocalSystem account is S-1-5-18', so we tried using
Win32_Group class/table with SID='S-1-5-18' (On an english Windows). The
Name property is 'SYSTEM', but 'NT AUTHORITY' is not found in any member of
the Win32_Group.
How do we get the full name of an account?
Boaz Ben-Porat
Milestone systems