Setting Timezone, AutoDaylightSavings on Longhorn
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Joseph Morales
2007-06-29 00:00:55 UTC
How can a script set the timezone and AutoDaylightSavings values on

On Windows 2003/XP, I am able to set the Timezone from a script by launching
a command such as
Control.exe Timedate.cpl,,/Z Pacific Standard Time

Also, on Windows 2003/XP, I am able to set AutoDaylightSavings from a script
by using the AutoDaylightSavingsTime property of the Win32_ComputerSystem

Neither of these techniques works on my Longhorn test system. No errors are
reported, but the system timezone and AutoDaylightSavings don't really seem
to change. At least, if I open the Date and Time applet afterwards, it
doesn't reflect the changes.

I don't think it's a security issue, because in Local Security Policy, the
Change the Time Zone policy is set to include the Administrators group, and
I am logged on as Administrator.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Joseph
2007-07-01 10:14:01 UTC
There are 2 - 3 atomic time servers for
each country on earth.

Some are gifts from aid assigned
accounts of other countries.

Some are military.

All are military in the US.

Cheney, the VP officially even lives at
the Naval Observatory [nist] in DC


Du you really think Ms has a clue what
time it is ?

Windows 95 unsupported.
Vista 2007 a tart.


Dream on.


Where do you think xmlHttp embraced
async by the
browser community came from.

It came from this goup.

Owning time or the sun will not.


Unless you can come up with some greater
baloney question,
or even greater conspiracy of crime
against humanity,
I am afraid, some will only get a good
laugh at it.
