Vista holding onto IP address
(too old to reply)
Vijender Yadav
2007-08-17 18:38:03 UTC
I have a Virtual adapter (Static IP address) and I do IP address management
for it. At different times I get different IP address that I have to assign
to my virtual adatper.
I am doing IP address handling using WMI.
Things work fine for XP, but Vista will not release the old IP address. When
I do IP config, I can see multiple IP address earlier assigned by me only. I
have tried uninstall the adapter, disabling, etc... etc... even used WMI tool
to set it to DHCP and making back to static, still the old IP addresses are
not released...

any help here?

thanks in advance
Soren Dreijer
2007-08-20 15:15:39 UTC
This is a bug in Vista and Microsoft is currently working on identifiying
the issue. I've seen the exact same behavior and have been able to repro it
using Microsoft's own loopback adapter and the NETVMINI sample in the WDK.

Apparently, using the netsh tool doesn't give you these weird results on

- Soren
Post by Vijender Yadav
I have a Virtual adapter (Static IP address) and I do IP address management
for it. At different times I get different IP address that I have to assign
to my virtual adatper.
I am doing IP address handling using WMI.
Things work fine for XP, but Vista will not release the old IP address. When
I do IP config, I can see multiple IP address earlier assigned by me only. I
have tried uninstall the adapter, disabling, etc... etc... even used WMI tool
to set it to DHCP and making back to static, still the old IP addresses are
not released...
any help here?
thanks in advance
Do Ré Mi Chel La Si Do (MVP)
2007-08-20 22:08:58 UTC

Perso, I never succeeded in setting IP address with NETSH on Vista (but the sames batchs run Ok on

Michel Claveau
Vijender Yadav
2007-08-21 16:12:01 UTC
Thanks for the replies. BTW, IP address assignment works fine when the
adapter is set for DHCP.

Is there any article/bugID issued by MS that I can refer to?

Post by Do Ré Mi Chel La Si Do (MVP)
Perso, I never succeeded in setting IP address with NETSH on Vista (but the sames batchs run Ok on
Michel Claveau
Soren Dreijer
2007-08-23 16:39:00 UTC
Post by Vijender Yadav
Thanks for the replies. BTW, IP address assignment works fine when the
adapter is set for DHCP.
What do you mean? Vista works correctly with a DHCP server; the issue only
surfaces when you attempt to set a static IP address. Furthermore, it only
happens on virtual network adapters.

I don't believe there's a public bug ID for the issue yet.

Post by Vijender Yadav
Thanks for the replies. BTW, IP address assignment works fine when the
adapter is set for DHCP.
Is there any article/bugID issued by MS that I can refer to?
Post by Do Ré Mi Chel La Si Do (MVP)
Perso, I never succeeded in setting IP address with NETSH on Vista (but
the sames batchs run Ok on
Michel Claveau
Soren Dreijer
2007-08-23 16:36:52 UTC
I haven't had any problems using netsh to set the IP addresses on Vista. The
tool even correctly puts the adapter in and out of DHCP mode, which you
can't do by using the IP Helper API.

Post by Do Ré Mi Chel La Si Do (MVP)
Perso, I never succeeded in setting IP address with NETSH on Vista (but
the sames batchs run Ok on XP/2000)
Michel Claveau