Create NFS shares and permissions
(too old to reply)
Dave Navarro
2007-07-20 20:21:39 UTC
Every now and again our file server loses its connection to our disk
array during the reboot process and it boots up without access to the
array. It's a timing issue. In any case, rebooting again gets us back

However, every time the system loses connection to the disk arrray, the
NFS shares get lost (the standard shares are fine).

I couldn't find a command line utility to re-create the shares (
something like the NET SHARE functionality) and permissions. So I'm
hoping that I can write a VBScript do it.

Can I use WMI to access NFS information on a Windows server?


2007-08-31 17:46:00 UTC
You can get NFS info from CIM_NFS but recreating the shares and setting
permissions I am not sure about. I am not an expert but I don't think it
would be an easy task if at all possible.

I don't have any NFS shares on my windows servers to test with.
