No Win32_Power* classes in Windows 7?
(too old to reply)
2009-12-14 09:43:01 UTC
It appears there are no longer any Win32_Power* WMI classes in Windows 7.
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and browsing the WMI namespace using WMI
Code Creator. I've also checked in perfmon and don't see any of the power
classes there. Is this by design, and, if so, are there any other classes
that provide the information previously found in the power classes? Or did I
somehow delete a portion of my WMI namespace? I don't know how to do that,
or that it even can be done, but that's never stopped me before.
2009-12-14 10:08:01 UTC
I think I've located all of them - they are in their own root namespace now
rather than root\CIMV2 where they were located previously. The new namespace
(I assume it's new) is root\CIMV2\power.

I probably never would have checked other namespaces if I hadn't asked this
question. I look forward to answering more of my own questions in the future.
Post by spencerberus
It appears there are no longer any Win32_Power* WMI classes in Windows 7.
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and browsing the WMI namespace using WMI
Code Creator. I've also checked in perfmon and don't see any of the power
classes there. Is this by design, and, if so, are there any other classes
that provide the information previously found in the power classes? Or did I
somehow delete a portion of my WMI namespace? I don't know how to do that,
or that it even can be done, but that's never stopped me before.